Let Learn GUI with Python


PyQt5 Documentation link

Download latest python from site (WINDOW 7 or Below)

Now Open powerShell and start python
the path is

here my user name is ccare take not . you have different user name.
add below location to system environment

Start -> and type edit environment ->

Or download from Microsoft Store for Windows 10 user
pip install PyQt5

pip install pyqt5-tools


Please note ccare is mine user name your username is different
make Shortcut to Desktop.

now add below location to path enviornment

For Linux System (Ubuntu 20.04)
open terminal

sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get upgrade
sudo apt-get install python3
pip3 install pyqt5
pip3 install pyqt5-tools

Now open bashrc file and append below line

vim ~/.bashrc
export PATH="/home/pmvanker/.local/bin:$PATH"

your username must be different mine is pmvanker 

Error: one input ui-file must be specified

Now Open GUI Designer form Below Path

Now We are Ready to Start First Demo Application
You can Use any python IDE like its your choice i list out
Pycham Community, Python IDE

We going to use Python IDE the Default IDE we downloaded

Now Demo Time
open Designer and select Main Window then create
add Push Button and change it title "print hello on terminal" and save it.
now go to the location where you save and open terminal.
pyuic5 -x print.ui -o print.py
Now You will see Print.py generated try to run it.
python3 print.py
If you click on button nothing will print on terminal cause we are not connected the function we need to do some coding here close it. Open Print.py

line 22

line no 40
def print_msg(self):
        print("Button Pressed")

so now again try to run
python3 print.py
if you click on the button
Demo Done.
For more infomation on PyQt5 Please read Documentation

Thank you